Saturday, June 11, 2011

Back in Suva

We're back in Suva to collect our new roller furler. I was very excited when the web tracking said I had signed for it, as that suggested it might be here in Fiji. After three days of phone calls and waiting, a security guard told me the man who looks after the shed containing my box lost a daughter this week, funeral was yesterday and I should come back after the Queen's Birthday weekend. So we are still relaxing in Suva.
There is the view from the yacht club over the volleyball carpark to the Naughty Corner, and me getting my first professional haircut in memory.


  1. I seem to recall you had a haircut once when you were with Sirocco - under great sufferance - or perhaps it was just a shampoo and perm?

  2. it's possible... but I don't remember it! I do remember being sent to buy shoes and trousers which were never worn, and I did get a haircut in Turkey a little before the Sirocco time. Great Sufferance rings true.


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